Modified File

The ModifiedFileRequest is a new request type in DAM Server version 5.0. ModifiedFileRequest is a type of request made by a vendor to obtain a list of physical files that have been modified within a certain date range. If a PDF for an Asset is updated, but no Asset metadata is updated, that Asset will not be included in an AssetMetadataRequest.

The ModifiedFileRequest has a required fileType attribute to specify what type of files to get a list for. Generally, this is the file extension -- currently only "pdf" is supported. The ModifiedFileRequest also has 2 child elements, StartDate (required) and StopDate (optional). If the StopDate is omitted, the current date and time will be used. Every file of the requested type that the vendor has permission to is filtered against the input StartDate (inclusive) and StopDate (exclusive if included in request). Files that match the criteria are added to the response which includes these elements: AssetId, FileName, and LastModified

Request / Response Examples

ModifiedFileRequest Example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <ModifiedFileRequest fileType="pdf">
        <StopDate>2015/12/17</StopDate> <!-- optional end date -->

ModifiedFileResponse Example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>